DONPARKER GENERAL ENTERPRISES LIMITED was incorporated on 4th March, 2004 under the Nigeria Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.
DPGEL distinguishes itself in the areas of Waste Management, Procurement and Supply, Marine Transportation/ Jetty services, and General contracts.
As a major player in the above specialties, DPGEL is fully equipped to perform challenging works, executing projects and providing maintenance services in the oil, gas and power sectors. DPGEL also has the wherewithal to carry out business of marine services such as supply of barges, tugboats, crew boats and offshore vessels. Environmental services i.e. oil spillage clean-up and remediation, sewage/waste water treatment, solid waste processing, geotechnical services etc.
As a result of the need to satisfy our numerous clients, the management of this organization has decided to come under the umbrella to deliver TOTAL SATISFACTION, PEACE OF MIND, AFFORDABILITY AND VALUE FOR MONEY.
We have a track record for providing quality service to our clients. This commitment to quality is based on our belief that quality and safety shall not be compromised in the drive to provide satisfactory and economically viable services to our numerous clients.
Our company is comiitted to achieveing its business objectives through its human resources which is the greatest assest of the organisation. The company accepts its ethical and corporate social responsiblities and recognises its obligation to conduct business activities in full knowlege of, and compliance with requirements of legislation and approved codes of practice. The company will achieve this by adopting a policy of best practice in all management decisions and procedures.
- Ensure best practice accross all aspects of our business.
Constantly seek initiatives which will add value to the environment and society at large.
Building customer relationship in a most reasonable manner.
Investing in training and development of our employees.
Treating health, safety and environmental issues with priority.
Achieving the future sustainabilty of our business in a responsible way.
Generate profit after customer satisfaction.
- We want to be the most sought after in our chosen field of endeavor through quality service delivery.
- Provide
world class environmental services backed up by the acquisition and utilization of the latest technology and methodology,with the aim of improving quality and maintaining excellent and well-motivated professionals to the end that we shall achieve recognition as the foremost environmental consultant company in Nigeria.
- Delivery of quality services in all
area of our operationswith a view to guaranteeing maximum satisfaction for our clients at alltime . - We are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy
and accident free environment at all our work locations. - We are committed to the reputation of our company as a household name.
8: 00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Opposite Golden Plaza,
Off Ogunu Road,
Warri, Delta State.
#14 John Chuks Nnamdi Street
off African Lane of Admiralty road,
Lekki phase 1 Lagos State, Nigeria.